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Título : Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018
Autor : Sin autor
Palabras clave : Trata de personas
Derechos humanos
Trafico de personas
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Resumen : Countries have reported increased numbers of detected trafficking victims over the last few years. While the number of reporting countries did not significantly increase, the total number of victims per country did. The trend for the average number of detected and reported victims per country had previously fluctuated during the earlier years for which UNODC has collected this data, but it has been increasing steadily over the last few years. From a regional perspective, the increases in the numbers of detected victims have been more pronounced in the Americas and in Asia. These increases can be the result of enhanced national capacities to detect, record and report data on trafficking victims, or to a growth in the incidence of trafficking, that is, that more victims have been trafficked. Enhanced national capacity to detect victims could be achieved through strengthened institutional efforts to combat trafficking including legislative reforms, coordination among national actors, special law enforcement capacities and improved victim protection efforts, to mention some. In countries with a long-standing anti-trafficking framework, with no major recent legislative or programmatic initiatives, more detections may be more likely to reflect an increased number of trafficked victims.
Descripción : Open Access Book
URI : http://coralito.umar.mx:8383/jspui/handle/123456789/1700
ISBN : 978-92-1-047552-5
Aparece en las colecciones: Acceso abierto

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